justgaurav an hour ago

I have finally been able to form a habit that I wanted for more than a few decades and the book which helped me finally get it was "Awaken the Giant Within" by Anthony Robbins. This was my third or so reading of the book and this time it clicked! It's a bit dense book which seems to have aged well (and you may have to look past some of marketing for his other events).

"Tiny Habits" by BJ Fogg is another one which I find very useful. Just the basic idea of having tiny/baby steps to take is a powerful one.

"Loop Habit Tracker" app is a great app to keep track of your habits especially the ones where you want to record yes/no responses. It's free app available on android (I am still looking for something similar for iPhone for my wife!).

abound 3 hours ago

My go-to for habit formation/breaking stuff is "Atomic Habits" by James Clear, highly recommend. It's one of those books I find useful to re-read every few years.

  • zephyreon 2 hours ago

    I’ll echo this, I found Atomic Habits to be one of the only self help books whose strategies I actually use on a daily basis. Required a lot of work but I really improved myself after first reading this book.

    • treetalker an hour ago

      Although I don’t agree with everything the author says (particularly his unrelated political views) I use Scott Adams’s “systems beat goals” idea (from “How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big”) almost every day.

  • calmbonsai 2 hours ago

    Preach! "Atomic Habits" is the only self-help book that I can recommend for everyone regardless of their particular life circumstances.

    • grisha322 an hour ago

      Wanted to buy an audio book, but some reviews there suggest that printed version is better. Will audio book work?

pugio 3 hours ago

I'm just doing a reread of Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg (one of the OG researchers on the topic). It's really good, and I'm already thinking of dozens of ways to apply this to myself and my kids. (He presents his framework as a model for human behavior, not just what we normally think of as habits.)

I think the key with any kind of self-help advice or book is that you have to study it, not just read it. I plan to be working with this book for at least the next six months. I read too many other "inspirational" books that didn't have a lasting impact; the first read is just research to decide whether it's worth devoting time to. Then the real work begins.

  • treetalker an hour ago

    Seconded. I picked up a copy a few years ago when Costco was selling it. It’s pretty good and seems based on fundamentals and actual research.

hooverd 3 hours ago


>? You've requested a page on a website that is part of the Cloudflare network. The host (alexy.tech) resolved to an IP address that the owner of the website does not have access to.

  • joshdavham an hour ago

    I'm getting the same thing. Might be a country restriction thing? I'm in Canada, for example.

dextrous 3 hours ago

“List six habits you wish to adopt, assign them to different times of the day, and aim to consistently perform at least four.”

SIX? Um, how about we start with, like, one?

That aside, a concise article with good advice IMO, but I would add “find a partner and be accountable”, especially for eliminating addictive / tempting bad habits or replacing them with good ones.