rupellohn 4 hours ago

I've been out of the industry for a few years, but can anyone explain how L1 RAN processing can be done 'in the cloud' without back-hauling huge amounts of raw RF data to a data-center?

  • dspwizard 3 hours ago

    Most of VRAN sites will be still DRAN (distributed RAN -server on site). CRAN (centralized RAN) is a fairy tale so far and works very few scenarios like very dense urban. Still we are talking about 200/400G NICs being standard.

    L1 interface is also more efficient than it was for previous G’s where BTS sent time domain data, modern FH sends only allocated parts of spectrum in frequency domain.

radiostariid 10 hours ago

So Kubernetes, microservices, and servers in AWS/Azure are comming to the phone network.

What could possibly go right...

Now when AWS goes down, it will take the phone network with it too...

  • hagbard_c 7 hours ago

    > What could possibly go right...

    Consultants' bank accounts, most likely.