insane_dreamer 5 hours ago

It's incomprehensible that anyone could deny that global warming is happening. Even if you dispute the cause -- whether it's a natural cyclic phenomena or the result of increased emissions of greenhouse gases (it's obviously the latter, but anyway) -- there's no disputing that it is happening. And the cause really doesn't matter, because unless we take action to slow it down, future generations will be very fucked.

And yet, a significant percentage of Americans are perfectly content to not only stop accelerating our efforts to slow global warming, but reverse the progress that we've already made in the past decade. It's just incomprehensible to me, that we can fall prey to short-sighted greed (corporations wanting less regulation so they can increase profits) or ignorance (general population who doesn't understand the ramifications) or apathy (ok, sure, but what about the cost of gas to fill up my SUV).

It's telling how backward our civilization is becoming. Historians will look back aghast at how backward our leadership is, the way that we look back at the backwardness, stupidity and egotism of rulers like Commodus, who significantly weakening of the Roman Empire after the progress made by Marcus Aurelius (and is considered by some to be the beginning of the decline, and eventual collapse, of the Roman Empire).