stefanos82 6 hours ago

I thought they had their own currency called BRICS. Don't they use that instead?

imcritic 6 hours ago

Bullshit article, no proofs, nothing but manifesting "it is so! believe me!"

  • bediger4000 6 hours ago

    Also, is avoiding international sanctions something to be proud of?

    • eddyfromtheblok 6 hours ago

      The author's surname is "Bitcoin". Sounds like a ringing endorsement

    • drysine 5 hours ago

      >international sanctions

      And by that you mean sanctions imposed by the US, the EU and some of their allies. I don't think that 15% of the world population living in these countries warrant calling the sanctions "international" as if they are in some way legitimate.

    • blackeyeblitzar 6 hours ago

      What does “international” mean? That’s just US and EU right? Isn’t every country free to do whatever it likes?